• Fellows Anaerobic Natural by Finca Inmaculada

Fellows Anaerobic Natural by Finca Inmaculada

This is an interesting lot. Not grown by Inmaculada, but rather processed by them. The farm and mill famed for it's comp-winning exotic varietals have opened up their processing facility to farmers in the community to assist in elevating the output of their neighbours via their Fellows programme. If the way this castillo masquerades as a geisha is any example to go by, it's working very well.

Passionfruit, apricot and mixed berries are joined with jasmine florals for an elegant cup that still punches well above its weight.

This lot was produced from cherry delivered by four producers, Monica Lisette, Morera Mosquera, Zoraya Ines Trujillo and Francia Astudillo. After arrival at Inmaculada's mill, cherry is cleaned and sorted then placed in sealed tanks for a six-day anaerobic fermentation that lifts the acidity and reduces the sugar content. Following this, the coffee fruit is transferred to the drying house where a vacuum system offers a stable stable environment to withdraw moisture and humidity where the coffee is dried over 15 days.

This is a 250g box from our Special Release range.

Product Details
  • Wetmill: Finca Inmaculada
  • Region: Valle del Cauca
  • Variety: Castillo
  • Altitude: 1600-1800masl
  • Cupping Score: 87
  • Process: Cherry from neighbours is sorted& cleaned, then undergoes a 6-day anaerobicfermentation before drying in vacuumboxes at controlled conditions for 15 days
  • Cupping Notes: A castillo disguised as a geisha.Passionfruit & apricot, jasmine & berries.
  • Brewing Notes: Sweet floral, berry filters. Yuzu & wine gum shots. Granadilla Yogueta flat whites.