• Daye Bensa Odaco Natural, Shantawene

Daye Bensa Odaco Natural, Shantawene

A truly special Ethiopian coffee - so special that it might be the best one we have ever had. Big statement, but it truly is amazing. 

You’ll get lots of different flavours - from litchi to apricot to strawberry, mango and a little mint. This lot from Daye Bense's Gatta farm is layered, complex, delicious and ticks all the right boxes, including the Muscat d'Alexandrie litchi-ness it sings with on filter. 

Product Details
  • Producer: Gatta farm & 563 Daye Bensa member farmers
  • Region: Shantawene, Bensa, Sidama
  • Variety: Indigenous heirloom varietals
  • Altitude: 2000 - 2200masl
  • Cupping Score: 87.5
  • Process: Floated, sorted, bed-dried for two weeks, rotated every 15 mins during the day
  • Cupping Notes: Utterly exceptional, delightfully complex. Litchi & apricot, floral & layered.
  • Brewing Notes: Juicy muscat grape filters. Perfect tropical punch shots. Strawberry ice cream capps.