• Hugo Abraham Chinchilla Macerated Natural

Hugo Abraham Chinchilla Macerated Natural

A fresh lot from Father Fan Fave region, Copan in Honduras!

This lot of macerated natural red catuai and parainema from newcomer specialty coffee producer, Hugo Abraham Chinchilla, is giving big tropical sweetness alongside lush cosiness – a true easy-drinker.

Look out for lime, naartjie, ripe strawberry and a finish of cacao.
Product Details
  • Farm: El Lesquin
  • Region: Corquín, Copan
  • Variety: Catuai Rojo, Parainema (organic)
  • Altitude: 1400masl
  • Process: Cleaned, floated, macerated in sealed barrels at 22-25°C, dried on raised beds for 25 days. Turned hourly.
  • Cupping Notes: Big citrus, cacao. Lush and cosy.
  • Brew Notes: Smooth, tropical filters. Sweet strawberry shots. Choc chip cookie capps.